I love it !

Donc je le complète ...


J'ai eu un oscar !!

I really didn't expect to be win I didn't even expect to be nominee but I would like to thank Laura who were a wonderful mistress of ceremony I would like to thank pauline who's photographer role is the best ever played I would like to thank my goldfish who, one more time supported me from heaven (sob...) And finally I would like to thank everyone who believed and still believe in me ... Thank you, THANK YOU !!!

Commentaire de Pauline :

Laura et Fabien, couple de juifs russes aux yeux remplis d'étoiles made in America, Sarah, sa blouse et ses mauvais traitements, Christine et son exaspération face à la barrière du language, et le calme de Mat, au rôle simple mais décisif.

Ils ont tous, tous assuré, vraiment... Et ce sont de bons acteurs! :D

Bon c'est débile de faire un article juste pour mettre une vidéo... mais bientôt j'aurais de quoi le compléter ...


Anonyme a dit…
What's the band of the vid ? :) I'm a extremely biased person, I don't like French bands, but just to know... :D

And yes, your speech was... stellar. You stole the show! And it's the most amazing award I've ever seen. Brings tears to my eyes... I'm SO proud of you, you had to clim a hill and then... went down on a mountain. Now we're looking forward to a Tony Award, YAY!
matiou'S a dit…
The band ? Indochine ^^
This clip is wonderful !!
But I'm open to critics ... AS FAR AS YOU WERE !!!!
Anonyme a dit…
Okay, so I won't dare to say anything then... ;)

Oh, I know Indochine, I loved J'ai demandé à la lune as pretty much everyone else... :)

Thanks for replying so fast, i'm impressed! :)

See ya.

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